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112 4th Avenue S.W., Calgary, AB  |  Ph: 403-689-8332

The Power of Context

The Power of Context

The Crucial Role of Contextual Data in Decision-Making I am a fan of Data driven decisions. As a person who is somewhat risk averse, I like to see data that allows to me understand the risks I am taking and make the best decisions possible. However, not all data in...
Charting Your Tech Course

Charting Your Tech Course

Charting Your Tech Course: Your Business Needs a Clear Technology Roadmap Remember road trips, in the ‘old days’ before GPS, where you’d unfold a massive paper map, try to figure out where you are and then try to decide on the best route? Then, once you had that...
What’s All the Buzz About?

What’s All the Buzz About?

What’s All the Buzz About? Just Take My Money! Navigating the Hype: Practical Considerations for Technology Adoption in Business Digital Transformation, AI/ML, and Metaverse dominate conversations. While these concepts promise exciting possibilities, businesses must...
Are Consultants a Waste of Money?

Are Consultants a Waste of Money?

Are Consultants a Waste of Money? Having been in business sales for over 15 years, I’ve witnessed the rise of smartphones, apps, the cloud, and continuous innovations in software and AI that have revolutionized the business world. Unfortunately, I’ve also seen...